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The Perfect Story

2014 May 5
by Kurt

Sometimes stuff doesn’t work out and then it does. When Esmé Bos came to me with an idea for a music video for her song “Perfect”, it involved an old friend and artist Sharon van den Berg making a portrait of her while she sang the song. I started to develop it and wanted to shoot some green key footage to play with the realism of the set. Complete with storyboard and lunch we drove to Sharons artist studio. Which of course was on the other side of a neighbouring country.

During editing it turned out it just didn’t work. Although the footage was great and both Esmé and Sharon did a splendid job, it packed too much story in the video, which has a lot of lyrics as it is. So I was a little bit stuck. On holiday. In France. In a town with about five houses. Two of the residents there, the amazing and English Richard and Mary (both in the prime of being eighty, I believe) came over to give us some old children’s games. One of the designs of a very old picture domino had extactly the lightness, colors and feeling I was by now looking for. Having shot green key gave me the freedom to get back on track.

And here is the final video: or if you prefer youtube:

So, as simple as the result now is, you hereby know that it was actually made across 1000 km. But I’m happy.

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